Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

July 2008

Jul 29, 2008

Speaking with Honesty
On Truthfulness
Saying For Today: "See, lying is not simply a matter of personal choice, one we can make to make our lives less painful and more convenient."

Jul 28, 2008

The Only Way Home
On Accountability
Saying For Today: "Regardless, the son was held accountable by himself before returning home, and that same kind of accountability is essential truly to return Home ~ the place of fidelity and Love. "

Jul 26, 2008

A Most Unpopular Virtue
On Renunciation
Saying For Today: "And the inner aspects of renunciation are the root of everyday asceticism."

Jul 25, 2008

Speaking In Christ for the Other
On AuthoritativePrayer
Saying For Today: "See, this is a universal truth about evil: at core evil is detractive and destructive, for evil is malicious. "Satan" is the essence of substantive hate. "Satan" and "hate" are one word. "

Jul 24, 2008

Responding to Evil
Discerning Response to Intentional Harm-Making
Saying For Today: "If you join the evil, in whatever form it takes, you join in an unholy alliance with it, and you place yourself in the area of self-cursing, a self-made hell, a space outside the flow of divine blessing and Light."

Jul 23, 2008

Pure Religion
Mysticism and Self-Effacing Service
Saying For Today: "The mystical path of this era is one that takes us, usually not into a monastery, but into losing ourselves in service within the structures of society and religion."

Jul 22, 2008

The Faiths in Faith
On Healthy Religious Faith
Saying For Today: "Healthy religious faith will always include common sense and transcend common sense, for common sense is just that: common."

Jul 21, 2008

The Covenant of Place
On Stability as Spiritual Practice
Saying For Today: "We are faithful to God by being loyal to our sacred contracts, whether a place of daily devotions, a congregation we join, or our present living address. "

Jul 19, 2008

Please, Don't Try to Fly
On Spiritual Experiences
Saying For Today: "Faithfulness to Christ means being where you are spiritually and, concurrently, being prayerfully receptive to where Grace is leading you ~ even if you have no clarity where Grace is leading you."

Jul 18, 2008

A Painful, Freeing Exposure to God-light
A Sweet Confessing
Saying For Today: "We cannot act like truth is a fit or not-fit matter, like keeping or disposing of a pair of shoes based on how it feels on our feet, or how it looks to us."

Jul 17, 2008

The Secret of Christian Fortitude
Self-Sufficiency in Christ's Sufficiency
Saying For Today: "In union with Christ there is no giving up, though there may be setbacks or necessary changes in direction."

Jul 16, 2008

No, Viking Helmets Did Not Have Horns
Slander from the Heart
Saying For Today: "We live in a culture saturated with slander; slander has become entertainment, whether private or public."

Jul 15, 2008

Religious Community as Healing Space
A Brief Vision Statement for Renewal
Saying For Today: "At the risk ... of over-psychologizing the term, we must focus on the biblical idea of salvation entailing healing. "

Jul 14, 2008

Starting All Over Again
On Grace Redeeming Our Past
Saying For Today: "This healing and forgiveness is what redeeming our past is about, and we cannot move on without that redeeming."

Jul 13, 2008

Not Sinking, But Sync-ing
Religion, Tshuvah, and Blessing
Saying For Today: "I do not believe in God handing out rewards and punishments that we have not invested in by obedience and work. I believe in Presence, Whom we cooperate with to produce the fruit of our lives."

Jul 12, 2008

The Emerging Spiritual Life
Spiritual Rebirth as a Process
Saying For Today: "Born-anew persons will have, also, a growing empathy for the whole context of being in a Body with Whom they are one flesh, to Whom they aspire to behave responsibly pertaining to thought, attitude, and act."

Jul 11, 2008

Receiving the Spirit of Your Life
A Present Pentecost
Saying For Today: "When this spirit comes there is a letting go of the past and a fearlessness about the future."

Jul 10, 2008

The Natural Law of Prayer
On Private Prayer
Saying For Today: "Prayer is not an option for a human person. Prayer is innate to the environment and genetics of being a person."

Jul 9, 2008

Jesus, the Beauty
The Heart of Christian Faith
Saying For Today: "Can a person be ecclesially-committed, mystically-minded, open-hearted, intellectually-demanding, and Jesus-loving, all in one?"

Jul 8, 2008

A Work for Good
On Divine Providence
Saying For Today: "Divine Providence does not lessen our responsibility, it heightens our responsibility. "

Jul 7, 2008

Listening to holy Spirit
Saying For Today: " To be prayerfully open to Truth is to be open to Truth through whatever means holy Spirit communicates it to you. "

Jul 6, 2008

Deciphering the God-Nudges
On Listening to God
Saying For Today: "We need to trust that God does speak to us. God does lead us. We just need to keep working at how to listen."

Jul 5, 2008

Sharing Self and Spiritual Experience
On Spiritual Fellowship
Saying For Today: "Ironically, Jesus would have been most alone, most unable to share his deep experience of God, at a clergy gathering, not at the rowdy bar on main street. "

Jul 4, 2008

Loving-Fear and Religious Mysticism
Genuine Religious Fear
Saying For Today: "When we lose touch with religious awe, we defy our natural place in the Kosmos and contradict the nature of Life, as well as fail to relate appropriately to God."

Jul 3, 2008

The Body for Growth
The church and Church
Saying For Today: "The church I once tried to escape, I have found to be the place I most need to love and serve Christ and others."

Jul 2, 2008

The Divine In-Breathing
Christian Mystical Prayer and the Holy Spirit
Saying For Today: "The Holy Spirit was, is, and will be given freely to anyone abandoned to the radical Truth of Divine Grace in the Person of the Resurrected Christ. "

Jul 1, 2008

Contemplation and Grace
Toward the Fullness of God
Saying For Today: "Forget about earning or not altogether in regard to all things of the Divine Economy, if you wish to live in sublime intimacy with Christ. Simply receive."

Jul 1, 2008

Love, Beauty of the Soul

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