Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

February 2022

Feb 20, 2022

Tending your heart garden
Cultivating the positive

Feb 19, 2022

Letting your head drop
A joyful absence

Feb 18, 2022

presence loves presence
Saying For Today: "When you love anyone or anything, presence is loving presence."

Feb 17, 2022

Listening to nothing
A Speaking Forth Everywhere

Feb 16, 2022

Truth is Presence

Feb 14, 2022

An Enjoyable Devotion

Feb 12, 2022

Splash!... The Itch Belongs Too

Feb 11, 2022

Not Going Anywhere... on Silence

Feb 10, 2022

You Can't Leave Home
On Meditation
Saying For Today: "Every address is your home address - you cannot escape now, only lose awareness of it."

Feb 8, 2022

Speaking... for silence
Truth & No Thought of Truth

Feb 7, 2022

Everything Lives
Nature as Community
Saying For Today: "Nothing is present only to make us present."

Feb 5, 2022

OM AH HUM... Wise Speech Wise Silence
Saying For Today: "Silence, not being an absence but a fullness, has so much more of substance to say than we do, and silence is healthy for us, calming, centering, and making us more intimate with the world about us."

Feb 3, 2022

Wow!... to liberate all beings - Me?
Aspiration is fulfillment

Feb 2, 2022

Listening to Her
From Distraction to Awareness
Saying For Today: "The air we breathe is as holy as any religious rite and given as gift long before."

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©Brian Wilcox 2024