Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit


Path of Spirit

February 2020

Feb 29, 2020

the Feeling of Life

Feb 28, 2020

This bleeding into each other ~ self is community

Feb 27, 2020

The Unbecoming ~ embracing fully this human experience

Feb 26, 2020

To go ~ Where the heart goes before
Spirit lead

Feb 25, 2020

I do what I do ~ living in the center of the Beam

Feb 24, 2020

the way of the Way ~ the paradox of Non-Action & Non-Contending
the wisdom of intimacy

Feb 23, 2020

Kind Speech Right Speech ~ edifying by words & no words

Feb 22, 2020

Silence remains... our natural environment

Feb 21, 2020

Being & Doing... No Seperation
harmony of self & Life

Feb 20, 2020

Welcoming the majesty ~ Yes is the beginning

Feb 19, 2020

Moving from & Moving to... finding our way
no experts here

Feb 18, 2020

Thought-less Loving ~ spontaneous Intimacy

Feb 17, 2020

The Power of Bowing To... ~ sacralizing life
Saying For Today: "Bowing to softens the dark, hard places inside and sensitizes our beings to the gift of others sharing this amazing community of Earth~and~Sky with us."

Feb 15, 2020

These gentle feelings ~ together like brushstrokes

Feb 14, 2020

Silence & Sharing ~ Climbing into Each Other's Heart

Feb 13, 2020

The Delicious Essence ~ Seeing through Lens of Love

Feb 12, 2020

Mystery opens to Mystery - The Way of Insight

Feb 11, 2020

Disposed by Grace to Grace ~ The Wisdom of Willingness

Feb 10, 2020

Rose & Gardener ~ a joyful intimacy
a case of you

Feb 9, 2020

Getting Real Close ~ Admiration to Mad Love

Feb 7, 2020

A Verse Within Us ~ Truth & Truths & You
Saying For Today: "When the truth within me meets the truth within the other, there is a sense of kinship, a resonating spirit with spirit."

Feb 6, 2020

An Authentic Likeness~within & within

Feb 5, 2020

The Grace of Disappointment
Bright Sun Shiny Day

Feb 2, 2020

A Wink & A Smile & Laughter

Feb 1, 2020

the Spirit of Joy
welcoming the Sun

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit

©Brian Wilcox 2024