Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Insight


The Genius Master

On Spiritual Insight

Dec 19, 2005

Saying For Today: Some persons see what is, while other persons see what is to be in what is.

A writer arrived at the monastery. He was working on a book about the Master. He spoke to the Master, “People say you are a genius. Are you?” “You might say so,” said the Master. “And,” inquired the writer, “what makes one a genius?” “The ability to recognize,” replied the Master. The writer asked, “Recognize what?” Spoke the wise Master, “The butterfly in a caterpillar; the eagle in an egg; the saint in a selfish human being.”

The above story, derived from Anthony DeMello, speaks of insight. Some persons see what is, while other persons see what is to be in what is.

Thought for Today
I am open to the possibilities of All-Potentiality.

OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at briankwilcox@comcast.net.

Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Insight

©Brian Wilcox 2024