Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality Naturalness


Spring & Cherry Blossoms

Dec 11, 2024

The Heart Awakened

The Heart Awakened

Brian Wilcox

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you can't make cherry blossoms by tearing off petals to plant
only spring does that

*Stephen Berg, Trans. Ikkyu: Crow With No Mouth: 15th Century Zen Master.

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Zen master Ikkyū shows us one of the most important lessons of the Way. We cannot manipulate our way to spiritual growth; aggression, forcing is counterproductive. We can use what Buddhists call "skillful means": yet, they are skillful for they are in accordance with Nature.

Meditation is natural. Acting in compassion is natural. Prayer is natural. Natural is in harmony with self and all else. So, when you sit in meditation, you are in harmony with everyone and everything. See, you sit with it all.

One of the tendencies in spiritual growth is to try too hard. We need to try not to try too hard; still, trying too hard not to try too hard can become an obstacle. So, try not to try too hard, but do not try too hard.

In time, you learn better how to relax into that middle way, the way where meets spring and cherry trees. Spring and sherry trees cooperate. They join their potency and potentials. And the symphony earth and cherry trees and blossoms and sky and sunshine and rain.

Then, you are not pushing. Wisely, Buddhists say, "Don't push the river." Jesus said those born of spirit are like wind blowing. A wise person allows the river to carry her, allows the wind to move her.

Still, you are doing something, or nothing would get done. This means spirituality is an art. Without painter and painting, where would be the painting? Where is the space between poet and poem? Spring and cherry blossoms?

When you grow spiritually, all the means does not equal the results. You cannot say how or why. It is all of grace. But what does that mean? Can anyone say?

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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2024


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality Naturalness

©Brian Wilcox 2025