Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SpiritualAridity > Page 2


When God Seems Absent

On Spiritual Aridity

Page 2

What we apprehend of the Divine, think of the Divine, and sense of the Divine is not the Divine. However, these aspects within us can foster a sense of Divine Presence and prove to us that God is near. Yet, they are not fully reliable in evoking a sense of the Presence or proving the nearness of God. Feelings can mislead, for they can be seen as spiritual or religious when they may be nothing more than pious affections mistaken for the Divine Presence. Also, we can go through times of aridity when nothing we do seems to evoke any sense of God being near.

Therefore, we return to the nature of true faith. Certainly, we each long to feel the closeness of the Divine, even as we desire to feel the closeness of anyone we love. And as we can lament the loss of a sense of closeness to someone we love, we can lament the loss of a sense of closeness to God. We are emotional beings, and we know that we need affective sensations of nearness and they are part of any healthy relationship of love. However, again, these feelings are consequent of true love, not true love itself.

Pure faith affirms the nearness of our Beloved in consolation and desolation. Spiritual aridity, when the emotions feel lacking of all pleasure of feeling God near, does not define the Presence of God. Also, such aridity does not define us as unworthy to sense such Divine Love - aridity is a state of feeling, not a state of being.

What can we do during times of lack of the felt-presence of God? I offer a number of recommendations.
1) Remind yourself that God is near and that loving God when not sensing God is an act of pure devotion, an act honoring God and showing your loving faithfulness.
2) Engage in devotional acts that help reemerge a sense of the Divine Presence. Among such acts can be more affective forms of meditation or ritual. Trying to force a return of the sense of Presence does not work, however.
3) We can make adjustments in lifestyle; for example, when we might not be getting enough rest and fatigue is the source of our not feeling Love near us.
4) We can explore as to whether or not we have sinned in such a way or engaged ~ or am engaging ~ in something that is cutting our spirit off from the nearness of the Divine Spirit.
5) We can encourage ourselves by memories of past times of sensing the nearness of God and anticipate a return of those consolations.
6) We can affirm that our longing to feel God near is a natural part of any healthy love relationship and that the longing itself is an act of pure love.
7) In verbal prayer speak to God about your sense of the Absence of God, affirming to God your love and willingness to offer in reverence and respect even the sense of absence as a gift to God.
8) Read prayers from the Psalms that speak of nearness of the Divine or lack of sensing the nearness: for example, Psalm 42 on desolation, Psalm 139 on the omnipresence of God ...
9) Practice what Francis De Sales refers to as "holy indifference"; take the position that you are going to be faithful to God regardless.
10) Share with a close spiritual friend(s) ~ this can be an accountability, or covenant, group ~ your feelings of aridity, seeking prayer, guidance, and encouragement.
11) Share your feelings with your Spiritual Director.

Last, reading the life stories of great Christians from the past is a good education in seeing how they lived out their relationship with God, including times of feeling a deep, painful sense of the absence of God.

What helps you to remain faithful to the Divine in times that God does not feel near to you?

Note: Anyone taking seriously their spiritual life needs to be in an accountability group, or covenant group, and have a spiritual director, or spiritual friend. The accountability group provides a group of spiritual friends for support in our spiritual commitments and aspirations. The spiritual director is a person equipped to offer a safe space for us to share our experience of God and be offered guidance in responding to God, including guidance in spiritual practices we might need to grow in our relationship with God. The spiritual director may have certified training or be a person who has proven he or she has grow deeply in the Christian life and is evidencing spiritual maturity.

Brian is available to respond to requests pertaining to seeking a Spiritual Director, his speaking, doing classes, workshops, or retreats for churches or other spiritual groups. He will inform regarding how to receive his other writings or offer replies to comments or questions.

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*Brian K. Wilcox lives with his wife, Rocio, and their two dogs, St. Francis and Bandit Ty, in Clearwater and Punta Gorda, Florida. He is a United Methodist pastor and vowed member of Greenbough House of Prayer, a contemplative Christian community in Georgia. His passion is living a contemplative life and inspiring others to experience a deeper relationship with Christ through contemplative prayer and living.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > SpiritualAridity > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024