Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Communion as Ecstasy


One Ecstasy

Our Touching Heaven

Feb 14, 2018


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in LOVE beyond Beliefs


The minute I heard my first love story
I started looking for you, not
knowing how blind that was.

Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.


The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. This Word manifests in every creature.

*St. Hildegard of Bingen, d. 1179.

The great need now is the marriage of opposites, which is union of heaven and earth, flesh and spirit, sacred and secular, many and One. We have had enough of against, and need movement into with, into life as a communion. Our destiny is beyond toleration to inclusion, to the healing of separation, and this is only done by Love, not you or me or us as persons. Revolutions are still against, and that will not work, it never has, even when it bettered life for many. Seeking to convert others to our way of life, our politics, our religion, our spirituality, our anything is still oppositional, meaning against. We need ecstasy, a movement out of where we have lived, allowing a seeing of every particular is manifestation of one Grace, every life of one Life, each being of Being. Touch anything rightly, and you will feel "God." Destiny is realized in any moment of loving and being loved. Creation is for loving, only. This is why our deepest yearning is to love and be loved, and our only joy is when Love is known to be alive and present. We cannot simply move into some subtle Union, we move into Union in the fruition of communion, even as Oneness, already present, births communion.

*Brian K. Wilcox, Rev. 2.13.2018.

Where do I start
loving you, tonight, My Love

Point to the place

Guide my fingers
Set my lips upon the spot

I will follow
I will consent
I am glad to obey

To be happy
to see You happy, My Dear

I am Love's slave, with You,
I am One for only One... You

Or shall I start, My Love,

For wherever
my lips touch
my hands caress

one Taste
a single touch
anywhere, everywhere

I have heard you exclaim, say:

"There, there!
Yes, right there... There!
I feel you loving all of Me, all Night"

"My Love, I am the Ocean
receiving you here tonight, under your graced gaze...
this Darkness beckons me into your amorous arms

"Yes, we the same Ocean... moving inside each other
one "Yes," one entering, one being entered, one gaze only,
for Love we are ~
where do you begin, where I"

No more words...,
let's just touch Heaven
Together, in this shimmering Silence...

*Brian K. Wilcox."Touching Heaven, Together." 9.18.11. Rev. 2.13.18.

'' Your spirit is mingled with mine as wine is mixed with water; whatever touches you touches me. In all the stations of the soul you are I. '' ♥ Al Hallaj


Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Move your cursor over photos for photographer and title.

*Quote of Rumi, Translator Coleman Barks.

*Lotus of the Heart is a Work of Brian K. Wilcox. Brian is an interspiriutal Contemplative Chaplain, Writer, and Poet, living in Florida, USA.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Communion as Ecstasy

©Brian Wilcox 2025