Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OutflowofLove


Outflow of Love

Living Humanly and Loving Well

Aug 7, 2005

Saying For Today: And, the more I am in love with, loving, and being loved by this Christ, then, the more I will love others.

Our works of charity are nothing but the overflow of our love of God from within.
Therefore, the one who is most united to him loves her neighbor most.

*Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Everything Starts from Prayer

As person and pastor, I have learned, and keep learning, that everything starts with prayer. Why? Prayer is the expression of my love relationship with the Divine. Love initiates, sustains, and fulfills prayer. If I am the servant of the Divine and those I live among most need the Divine, then, they most need Love, for God is Love.

So, how shall I love with this Love? I, first, must be in love and loving this Love. Then, I will know the truth that Mother Teresa shares; that is, any good I do is only the overflow of loving and being loved by Christ. And, the more I am in love with, loving, and being loved by this Christ, then, the more I will love others. My choice to love more will flow from the love of the Love living inside of me, and often my loving more will go unnoticed by me, though it might be noticed by other persons.

So, you could ask, “Brian, how shall I love?” Do not seek to love, first, for that would be to love out of your own self. Rather, seek to connect with God in living fellowship. Then, you will be being transformed into Love and your whole life will be the overflow and outflow of Love. This is the whole Christian calling, as well as the destiny of every human person.

Without this Love, we live less than human lives and cannot love well. With this Love, through Grace, we can meet the many demands that true Love will call us forth to meet.

Spiritual Exercise

1. Are you in love with God? Explain.
2. Do you want to love others more wholly?
3. What would you need to do regarding commitment of energy and time to nurture a closer love relationship with Christ?


Teach me love through our loving each other, and give me the passion to seek, often, the silence and solitude essential to a deep relationship of intimacy with you, my Love.

*Brian K. Wilcox

OneLife Ministries is a pastoral outreach and nurture ministry of the First United Methodist Church, Fort Meade, FL. For Spiritual Direction, Pastoral Counseling, spiritual formation workshops, Christian meditation retreats, or more information about OneLife, write Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilcox at briankwilcox@comcast.net.

Brian's book of mystical love poetry, An Ache for Union, can be ordered through major bookdealers.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > OutflowofLove

©Brian Wilcox 2024