Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ConsecratingExperience


Consecrating Experience

The Process of Translation

Jun 19, 2005

Saying For Today: In this process of translating experience, we consecrate all experience to the honor and use of Love.

A woman in great distress over the death of her son
came to the Master for comfort.

He listened to her patiently
while she poured out her tale of woe.

Then he said softly,
"I can not wipe away your tears, my dear.
I can only teach you how to make them holy."

*Anthony DeMello

The spiritual path does not entail having an easier life than other persons. Indeed, the spiritual path can increase the trials a person is called upon to endure. The spiritual path, however, provides means, focus, and energy to translate whatever happens for good. In this process of translating experience, we consecrate all experience to the honor and use of Love. Thereby, we find meaning and we ourselves are transformed, slowly but clearly, into the Likeness of Love, Itself.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ConsecratingExperience

©Brian Wilcox 2024