Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Meditation as Waiting for Nothing


The Warm Embrace

Reflections from Solitude and Silence No. 3

May 25, 2018


In this third of the series ~ see note below ~, this poem was the first writing, penned the first full day of Silence.

Snow melts
Sun shines

That simple
so Grace

Gentle Fire
quietly, fiercely burns

Silently melts ~
some effort is
to no-effort


When resting
only rest, nothing more


Leave open the door
to the Light

Say 'Yes'
but do not speak

What then? Nothing ~
wait for Nothing

The Way will appear
your way will appear

Feel, feel
the Truth

The warm embrace
you've been longing for

* * *

*All material, unless another source is cited, is authored by the presenter of Lotus of Heart, Brian Kenneth Wilcox, Florida USA. Use of the material is permitted; Brian only requests that credit be given and to be notified at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .

*This series of writings arose from reflections in a solitude and silent retreat April 24 to May 24, 2018, at Gainesville Retreat Center, Gainesville, Florida, USA.

*Brian is available to lead classes, workshops, or retreats on meditation, centering prayer, experiential prayer, contemplative living, or other themes related to the spiritual life, as well as provide spiritual guidance in-group or one-on-one. For inquiry on the matter, write to Brian at email 77ahavah77@gmail.com. His book, An Ache for Union, is available through major booksellers.

*Move cursor over pictures for photographer and title.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Meditation as Waiting for Nothing

©Brian Wilcox 2025