Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ImpermancePaschalYou > Page 3


Impermanence, Paschal Mystery, You

A Meeting Point Between Buddhism, Christianity, and Life

Page 3

And, you do not have to be a theologian to see how life operates, just look. You do not have to be religious to observe the essential meanings of Paschal Mystery or impermanence, just look. Indeed, the Paschal Mystery is true, not because it happened or the Bible says so, but because it is true. If anything religious counters reality, then, that such is untrue. And, if we ask persons to believe in religious matters that contradict all else we observe in life, then, we deny any coherence between what we cannot see and do see, and that creates an odd, contradictory, and nonsensical religion, wherein faith indeed becomes “blind” faith. That is why in the Christian tradition “natural revelation” and “supernatural revelation” cannot contradict.

This writing has meandered here-and-there some, but there is coherence—I hope. The underlying message is that the Christ Path shows the way to Life, in that it helps us enter into Reality, through Grace and Trust. In doing this, in ceasing our clinging to “my life,” which is the crucifixion or the death of the seed, we are born into freedom from trying to find Life as a being in union but trying to live as a being apart.


Indeed, since we are part of the Whole, then, we ourselves cannot be said, absolutely, to live or die, for we live and die within the Paschal Mystery that is Life. And, this living and dying is eternal life, for even the natural processes of life prove that nothing ever dies, though everything is constantly within a process that is Life. To follow Christ is to surrender to the Whole and find the joy of Life, eternal.

Finally, this writing is another intent to help model a means of cross-dialogue and mutual compassionate, understanding among different faiths. So, I would encourage any of my readers from other traditions to follow my example, here. Sadly, the teachings of Jesus Christ are often seen as illogical and irrelevant. That is not the case, for to understand the contemplative aspects of Christ's Life and Teaching is to "see" that Jesus lived attuned to Reality and, therefore, the Christ Path is relevant, even if some of its interpreters fail miserably in appying the Gospel to Reality.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ImpermancePaschalYou > Page 3

©Brian Wilcox 2024