1. Wisdom Saying
2. Scripture
3. Wisdom Story
5. Suggested Reflection
Wisdom Saying
"Genuine love is self-replenishing."
*M.Scott Peck
Scripture~Ephesians 5.1-2
1Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 2And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. (ESV)
Wisdom Story
Several years ago I was reclining in a chair in my living room. I had gotten relaxed and entered a state of focused concentration. My eyes were closed. I was repeating the word "Love" in my heart. My two Spaniels, Pete and Samson, were lying and resting in the room at their respective places.
Without prior warning one of the dogs jumped and landed heavily into my lap. I was surprised by the sudden landing onto my relaxed body.
I did not know whether it was Pete or Samson in my lap. I began petting the dog and realized he was likely Samson, due to his size and the pattern of his hair. After petting him for a time, my hand rested beside him.
Samson wanted more attention. He pushed his little head under my right arm and rested it at my side. Then I knew without doubt that the dog was Samson. That positioning of the head is how Samson would let me know he wanted loving. I loved him some more.
In a short time, Samson got up and jumped off. He walked to his resting place and laid himself down.
After Samson left a word of inner wisdom came to me. The word of wisdom was one of those revelations about life that comes through the ordinary. I was reminded of how persons wanting love will be drawn our way, if we are lovers.
There I was reclining and opening to Love. While opening to Love, one needing love pounced into my lap. He knew he could receive affection from me, for he knew his friend to be a lover.
Life has taught me that when we are open to the One who is Love, we will be taught the Reality of Love. When we are infused with Divine Affection, Life will send to us persons who need us to impart caring and healing. Persons about us will sense our love~that we are lovers~through many verbal and nonverbal signals: words, tone of voice, smiles, eyes evidencing willingness to show empathy and concern, little acts like opening the door for another person or saying "Thank You," showing our caring vulnerability, and many other ways.
Persons can sense whether we have a spirit of love, which is no other than what Paul means by "walking in love." Love has a way of taking over our being and radiating through us and what we do. We can become persons glad to the captive of Love.
Jesus was a person whom others were attracted to~at least persons who wanted to be truly loved and freely. Religious leaders in his day often were persons with callous, unloving spirits. They were often more concerned about the letter of the law, or religious rules, than walking in love. For Jesus and other great religious persons in history, love has been the supreme value of their lives.
Paul stressed this theme of love, realizing it towered above all other graces~even the graces of faith and hope: "And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love" (ICor 13.13, NRSV). He charged the Corinthian church to "pursue love" (ICor 14.1, NRSV). Paul reminded the Roman church that "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us" (Rom 5.5, NRSV).
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