Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Love as Welcome


Love Welcoming Love

The Distance No More Between Us

Feb 21, 2017


Everyone is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs


Love waits on welcome,
not on time.

*A Course in Miracles

Jesus, in the Christian Gospels, embodies the timelessness, the welcome of Love. This Love welcomes, so to be welcomed, Its nature being reciprocal. She looked at me, she asked, "Would you like to dance?". Not at first did I say "Yes". She danced. I shyly wanted to. And I did not want her to dance alone. So, I danced, we danced together, the distance between us no more. I am glad I danced, we danced, that she welcomed me, so us, to dance. "Yes" to "Yes". So is Love. Welcomes and waits welcome, in return. Love, being Love, goes first, and is so patient, seeing Heaven planted inside our hearts long before our minds can bear the glory of such truth. So, did he not say, "Come to me, all you who toil and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke on you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart. And you will find rest for yourselves"? Yes, Love, Love welcoming Love. Only Love sees Love, and from the seeing arises the invitation to love.

* * *

Words, take her with you
Let her rest in your rhyme
Words, take her away
Somewhere be on time

Words - ease her breathing
Lay her softly on the floor
There, let her linger
And listen like ever before

Leave her windows uncovered at night
And fill her room with the city lights
As they illuminate the sky
It reminds her of the people outside
Cause she won't sleep unless she heals her loneliness

Walk with her beneath the tree tops
Create new paths and memories
Show her how the sunlight
Glances through the gaps between the leaves

Words, help her change the world
In only one verse
Tell her to reach for the stars
And to always put love first

Leave her windows uncovered at night
And fill her room with the city lights
As they illuminate the sky
It reminds her of the people outside
It reminds her of the people
It reminds her of the people
It reminds her of the people outside


©Brian Kenneth Wilcox 2017. Brian is a Hospice Chaplain, living out his vow to serve all living beings by serving those preparing to die and their friends and family. Brian lives a vowed life, alone in a quasi-hermitic life, and integrates varied religions, but most especially the contemplative paths of Buddhism and his native faith, Christianity. Brian received a 'mystical' Christ-experience at age 9, and was introduced to a peace untouched by pain and suffering. Later, in his mid-30s, after surviving a dark night of despair, Brian was vowed to a contemplative Christian way of life on St. Matthew's Feast day, 1995, by Greenbough House of Prayer, in Georgia, USA. This began many years of ardent reading, spiritual practice, and exploration of many spiritual paths, including publication of his book An Ache for Union: Poems on Oneness with God through Love. The Journey has led Brian to the joy beyond the ache, a contentment in experiential union with Grace. Brian lives with the affirmation that Love, not as emotion but Divine Presence, transcends all paths of religion and is our Source and Destination. As St. Paul writes in the Christian Bible, "Now remain always, faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love." Peace to All!


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Love as Welcome

©Brian Wilcox 2025