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To experience the more pronounced ecstatic moments, inspired by purity, by beauty, reminds us of the presence of the Pure everywhere, at all times. We have those special visitations to welcome the Presence as present, near always. The Presence seems to visit, yet the Presence comes from no-where and never leaves to go any-where. So, we become more sensitive, over time, to this natural innocence in the common details of daily life, in the quiet alone as well as the hustle-and-bustle we may witness all about us. There arises a sense of inner knowing of this Presence in our times of retreat and engagement. The silence of our quiet time and the face in the crowd are both expressions of one Life.
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Hence, the Way entails to remain awake to this Presence, not to try to have special, in contrast to common, experiences: called religious, or spiritual, or whatever. The Pure is pure, for it is no less pure anywhere than anywhere else, not less pure at one time than another time. Innocence is ever-unsullied.
Pure not in contrast to impure not against impure
for pure is prior to pure and impure is free of being for or being against
pure is simply the natural estate and state of all things is Home
purity arises in perception is lost in conception
what presents itself to me becomes what I name
innocence naturally arising labeled becomes a step-away from the Way
yet, this step-away can be, if one is living aware, experienced as an extension of the Way
so, perception and conception are united in and from the potency prior to both ~ the Unborn
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