Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Purity of Life > Page 2


Pure ~ before pure and impure

ecstatic moments with the Beautiful

Page 2

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And, as with my experience recently, I am reminded that our surroundings can be instrumental in inspiring natural delight, this being moved outside ourselves to Home with everything. In these moments we experience the Pure so pure that the usual sense of "I" cannot retain its sense of illusory control, of being the center. By this Pure one discovers the Center everywhere; this is a purity pure for being spontaneously unobstructed, so open and welcoming. One, then, has no explanation of what is happening, or did happen, and all talk about it is only talk about it. One may sense wisely, then, the wisdom of being discerning in where and to whom to speak of it. We need to hold close these moments, not rushing into sharing them with others, especially persons who cannot appreciate it, so our allowing them to unfold within and teach us the Truth. We need to allow time and silence to soak in the Mystery that has visited us, incarnated before us, surrounded us in its Majesty.

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We can dispose ourselves to this arising of bliss, and, as above, one way is placing ourselves in environments that reflect purity. Yet, if we try to manufacture these moments, the moments elude us. The effort to transcend, to experience this natural ecstasy, blocks the freedom of the happening, for the self trying to transcend the self is itself negating the purity of the arising of the Pure.

I have written before of this transition in my experience of worship. I recall the relief when I discontinued attending worship gatherings to have a special, worshipful experience; I felt relief to participate with no agenda to feel or experience anything outside of being awake, receptive. Also, I had been educated in different beliefs about the Eucharist. Again, a time came to drop all that thought and simply kneel at the altar, and be and receive with others. The physical act was engaged and with no intervening theory of what was happening in-theory ~ indeed, any thought of the Truth is in-theory. In an ironic sense, there is an ecstasy (literally, "standing outside the self") that happens when no particular experience beyond simply being-present is intended or thought of. Then, Life, the Pure, manifests as It always does, and one may have an experience called special or mundane, and both are manifestations of an amazing, even if usually in common attire, Grace.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > the Purity of Life > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024