Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > LovingUnknowing > Page 2


A Loving Unknowing

The Two Powers

Page 2

This is the Pleromatic Abyss of Direct Realization of God as Mystery. It is like waking up, looking in your bathroom mirror and seeing a new face, your face, for the first time: Wow! Who is that in the mirror? At first, you may wish to deny what you see. You may wonder, "How could I have forgotten my real identity? Been in an illusion for so long? Am I dreaming now or just come out of a long, long dream?" Then, you can no longer differentiate between loving the One and loving anyone else~remember all mirrors are pieces of the Mirror: every being is part of Being, for Being as Being precedes being and beings.

Direct Realization in a loving transmutation, or transcendence of identity, means enactment of a loving power based on direct knowing of the One before otherness~before all I, me, mine or you, your, and yours.

See, the only way I can know myself as Brian is to have a non-Brian around. So, call God what you will; regardless, you are still speaking language after the fracture, even though the language is valid and necessary for the relationship of Being and beings in communion within time, within otherness.

Now, do not say I am teaching monism. I am teaching a nonduality that is nonduality for it transcends both monism and duality in Perfection: both monism and duality are both still into the subject-object thing, into the pieces as pieces.

I know this all sounds pretty useless and high-minded to some~maybe~, but we all need to let God grow up in our awareness. Mysticism~not the imitations~is the growing up of the Mystery within our minds and hearts. This is a reason theist and nontheist contemplatives and mystics can pray together and love each other so well~they have a strong scent of the no-time before otherness.


If you do not want to go beyond knowledge into a knowing beyond knowledge, or divine ignorance, that is your choice. That is fine. Most persons choose to stay in a rational love that is colored by some devotion or in a devotional life colored with a little knowledge. That is fine and not for me to judge. Yet, as long as we are fully immersed in a mentality of otherness, we will tend toward being judgmental to persons of different spiritual and religious orientation from us. To that extent we, in the name of our religion, perpetuate division and suffering: and fail to live the Golden Rule, or loving our neighbor as ourselves.

I guess this writing is for those who have reached the limits of the brain and believe there is a stirring of Divine Love calling them beyond the shore of learning to the immense depths of naked, adoring love with and within the Divine. This Divine is the Unity without, or before, otherness, while the Being manifests multiplicity as beings being~in~God: for being~in~God is of God, thus not dependent on my awareness of it. By this multiplicity we learn to love and learn that through it we love the Source, and come to know our true selves in knowing the true selves of other fragments of the One Creator.

If you are not sensing a strong pull, one of the Holy Spirit, to go out into the depths of divine ignorance, maybe it is best not to go. If you feel that pull outward, I recommend you strongly consider letting it pull you out beyond names, ideas, and concepts into a loving in Love and a Knowing of not-knowing.

You will not walk far until the tide lifts you and takes you away to Somewhere, which is right where you have always been in God, in Eternity~for God is the Being of Eternity, is Eternity. And that new Face you will see in the Mirror is the Face you have always had. You will see in a new way~a fresh, innocent, spontaneous, and wonderfully rich way.

See next page for Suggested Reflection ...


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > LovingUnknowing > Page 2

©Brian Wilcox 2024