Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ordinary magic and spirituality


The Magical Life

sayings & verse on the Miraculous

Jan 29, 2019

Saying For Today: Life is an amazing act, and we are part of the act, we are on-stage.

Winter Magic

*Brian Wilcox. "Winter Magic". Flickr.

we can perceive the Mystery
we cannot conceive It
we are looking at It always
few seeing It

the moment we move from perceiving to conceiving
It is gone

Life always escapes
our grasp

Persons will go great distances to visit a marvelous place, a site esteemed wondrous, or sacred. Yet, the marvelous place, the wonder, is here, the sacred right before you. This is implied in the oft usage of awakening in spirituality, as awakening is seen to be the goal of spiritual practice. Yet, this being awake is simply our natural way of being, not something spiritual or not-spiritual added to Life. Life is a magical display, is Magic. For example, the person you truly see, then you see an amazing miracle right there. The question is, "Do I see, or do I look at?" In seeing, you see into, you are open to the miracle that someone or something is. That anyone and anything is, rather than is not, you see is a miracle. You do not look at this other as an object to be looked at, but as the embodiment of Life, some would say, yes, the embodiment of God, Christ, Buddha, ... Yes, ...

There is some principle of magic in everything, some living quality. Something living, something real, is taking place everywhere.
*Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. "Discovering Magic." In The Essential Chogyam Trungpa. Ed. Carolyn Rose Gimian.

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Certainly, we tend to have moments of this seeing of the miracle. We are more disposed to wakeful moments by certain beings, places, or events than others. Yet, this is largely for we have been disposed in this manner. That is, we are preconditioned not to see the miracle right there, in the ordinary being we call thing or person. We have been trained to see the ordinary as the ordinary and the extraordinary as the extraordinary. Yet, this distinction itself is part of the magical display, potentially unveiling or veiling the Truth of the beautifulness present. What if we were socialized to see differently, to see the ordinary as extraordinary? Or to see without distinction between ordinary and extraordinary? What if we had been acculturated to see everything as a miracle, rather than a few events as miraculous? In theistic terms, what if we had been educated to meet God everywhere? Our sense of the special is a hindrance to our waking up. In wakefulness, we see naturally the sublime in the everyday, Grace in every person we meet. We learn to live in relationship with the magical display of Life. Life is an amazing act, and we are part of the act, we are on-stage.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ordinary magic and spirituality

©Brian Wilcox 2025