Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Ineffable Touch of Grace


The Invisible Touch

Grace into Grace by Grace

May 18, 2015


Living in Love beyond Beliefs


life giving life

*Life Giving Life, Brooke Shaden, Flickr

Could it be that to be free, we must give up all familiar certainties, and simply love Life Itself, in Its many disguises? Possibly, Love offers us Itself, and to know Love more intimately is to let go the expectations of success and desires for reward we have been trained to rely on and by which we have been taught to know and define ourselves. If this is so, then Intimacy is naked before us, inviting us into Itself, by which It fills us and overflows in Grace Life-with-Life. If this is so, Communion dissolves in and out of Union, and this, by many names, is still Nameless and progressively more real and less knowable. Grace is most felt in such Silence, in which Communion weds Itself to Communion in Oneness, and all words are burned up in the Fire of a single, solitary Presence. Here, we can speak of a Certainty that needs no explanations, answers, signs, or symbols - anything, anyone. The Word needs no words, but is the Source of words; the Nameless gives us our name. Intimacy clothes Itself with you.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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A person who is a member of a Prayer House I belonged to was praying, when her husband and she were struggling together. Disturbed she prayed, on her knees. Out of nowhere, literally no-where, she felt a touch on her body from behind. She felt peace come over her immediately.

What was this touch? Who or What touched her? And from where comes this peace, a solace that can descend upon one suddenly and bring Light into darkness?

Many persons have had similar experiences. Most persons do not share these experiences with many persons. Possibly, that is best, as many persons – most - are not prepared to receive such witness to the bliss of Grace. Why whisper into the wind when even a shout or a thousand shouts would not avail to lead one to hear of the depth of Life moving inside you – and the other, also?

So, I have no explanation of what happened to my friend. This does not need explanation. Even to say she had an experience is not adequate, and to talk of experience is a move away from the immediacy and intimacy of that Touch. Grace is so intimate, that the ways Grace touches our lives with love, truth, and beauty is closer than experience. Experience is simply our way of receiving at a sensate level, and we talk about Grace to others experientially. Actually, we and the experience is prior to the experience. Truly, to say God, is to say Grace, for that in God and of God is God – not as an object giving or receiving, for giving and receiving are experiences.

So, what are we left to do – if we might speak of doing? We can prepare ourselves to live in a growing intimacy with Grace, with Life, with God or Goddess. We can appreciate experiences of Grace, but come to let go our hold on such experiences to descend more deeply into Love Itself. There is no way to do this; in some mysterious, ineffable way, Grace calls us into Grace, and the call is the power to pull us into the Depths of Beauty. Then, we begin to see that Glory in every direction we look, for Beauty looks through us in the Oneness of Life experiencing itself through our presences.

*Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

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Just life

*Just Life, Juanjo Ferres, Flickr


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Ineffable Touch of Grace

©Brian Wilcox 2025