Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Natural Inclusiveness


Moons & Buddhas & Noodles

Jan 4, 2025

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Here in Shinano
are famous moons, and buddhas,
and our good noodles

*Kobayash Issa. The Spring of My Life and Selected Haiku. Trans. Sam Hamill.

Issa (Japan, 1763-1828), Pure Land [sect Jōdo Shinshū] Buddhist priest and poet. Shinano Province, prior name for Nagano Province.

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Issa invites us to see a contrast. Within the contrast is a wisdom teaching. See the three and see the truth.

In Shinano are "famous moons" and "buddhas." The "moon" may elicit the thought of spiritual enlightenment, for the moon was and is a symbol of such in Buddhism. To me, Issa refers to the moon as moon, not adding any overlay of spiritual symbolism. Just the moon... enough.

These - buddha, moon - are remarkable. One might say, "Wow!" or "Praise God!" or bow to the buddha image. They might evoke awe and appreciation, gratitude and prayer, or chanting and tears.

But what about "our good noodles"? Yes, too. Noodles belong equally with buddha images and magnificent moons. So, rock-n-roll music alongside classical music. Porsches and Ford pick-up trucks. Anger and kindness. Joy and sadness. Gain and loss. Smiles and frowns. Romance movies and horror flicks. Dresses and pants. Diapors and dress suits. Meat eaters and vegans. Mr. and Ms. Church hymns and blues. Dirt and diamonds. Rainwater and holy water; engine oil, anointing oil. The Dalai Lama and Pope Francis and you.

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So, what is Issa saying to us? Well, could he be saying, "It all belongs"? That is, "Nothing is left out" or "Nothing comes in second, third, or fourth ...." If a Christian, for example, excludes the Buddha, Jesus is excluded, and so the one excluding. Without everything, nothing belongs. Buddha belongs only because Jesus does, and you, too. Wholeness is wholeness. Harmony is harmony. You cannot remove the beans from the soup.

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But what does this mean... to you? Do you equally belong? How about the serial killer and you equally together? How about the person or people you have never forgiven? How about your religion or spirituality being in the same bag with all others? How about your favored religious or spiritual symbol and the letter "a" or "Boo!"? Favorite ceremonial rite and eating a donut or a helping of cabbage? How about Jesus and your next-door neighbor? Buddha and the homeless beggar? Organic food and processed food? Russia and Ukraine? Israel and Gaza? Polar bears and humans?

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Does this belonging together mean everything is of equal value? Does it mean all music, words, beliefs, rites, and places equally reflect the Supernal? Are the Rascals equal musically to Mozart or Pavarotti? Or the Beatles? My scribbling of a stick man to Monet's "Water Lillies"? Your local newspaper or Time magazine to the Bhagavad Gita, Lotus Sutra, or Gospel of John? Issa would say, "No." Gradations of skill and value exit. Still, Issa says, "Regardless, you can't divide up Reality." At least, that is my take on this. You decide for yourself. That freedom belongs, too, equally.

So, when we stop trying to exclude something, some good things might happen. Like appreciating it for what it is, rather than what it is not. So, wholeheartedly enjoy your noodles, or pizza, or turnip greens, or whatever. If you eat noodles in a certain way, it can be alike taking the Eucharist or french kissing your lover.

Again, Issa -

From the Great Buddha’s
great nose, a swallow
comes gliding out


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*(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2025


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Natural Inclusiveness

©Brian Wilcox 2025